The Holy Bible(NIV)


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Download the Holy Bible (NIV), the most popular English language Bible!The Holy Bible (NIV) is the b...

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Download the Holy Bible (NIV), the most popular English language Bible!The Holy Bible (NIV) is the by far the most popular English Bible language available in the market. The New International Version (NIV) is an excellent translation into very good contemporary English as it delivers the very best combination of accuracy and readability. A true to God’s Word and true to the reader the New International Version (NIV) App is now available for free download.-------------------------Features-------------------------------------------------------------Easy Navigation- New International Version (NIV) is easy to use. With a Book and Chapter selection pane easily navigate through the Bible.- Legible font/Size- New International Version (NIV) designed with legible and attractive font for everyone.-Comprehensive with the Old Testament and the New Testament New International Version (NIV) provides a one stop for your spiritual nourishment.-Does not require intent connection to use the New International Version (NIV).
--------------------------How to Use--------- Download the New International Version (NIV) and click on the chapter number you want to read opposite the name of the book. You will be directed to the verse of the book you have selected.-----------------------Whats New in Version 2----------------Bug fixes and performance optimizations to improve your reading experience.
--------------- New International Version (NIV) Background-------------------A very popular bible the New International Version (NIV) has the following features:• AccurateThe NIV translators are united by their conviction that the Bible is God’s inspired Word. That, along with their years of studying biblical languages, helps them to capture subtle nuances and the depth of meaning in the Bible.• ClearIf the first recipients understood God’s Word when they heard it, so should you. That’s the driving force behind the NIV’s commitment to clarity. The Bible should be every bit as clear to you as it was to its original audience.• Beautiful.Bible reading isn’t just a solo exercise; it’s meant to be a shared experience. That’s why the NIV translators prioritize literary beauty, resulting in a Bible translation that’s suitable for public reading and use in churches.• Trustworthy.The NIV is translated by an independent, self-governing team of Bible scholars. No publisher, commercial or otherwise (not even us!), can tell them how to translate God’s Word. The translators come from dozens of denominations and churches, and they can only make changes to the text if 70% of the committee agrees — safeguarding against theological bias.• Accuracy and readability. In one Bible.Nearly 50 years after its inception, the New International Version (NIV) has become the most widely read contemporary English Bible translation. Why? Because the NIV combines ease of reading with uncompromising accuracy — in one Bible.• Getting the words rightGetting the words right means being true to the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic of the Bible. But it also means being true to the reader — capturing the Bible’s original meaning in natural, everyday English.